"The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry"
And so did mine when we got 16" of snow, and another day of snow predicted. The children I was going to send to town for the day ended up staying here, even the college student whose classes were cancelled. Not the romantic tete a tete I had planned.
So I decided to do the best with what I had.
The table got moved to our bedroom. No time for baking or shopping. A total revamp of menu.
I never had a chance to shop for a romantic tablecloth or pretty dishes or a centerpiece.
I had a couple of very pretty pressed glass dishes that I had out to make a picnic basket set.
They are cobalt blue. I really wasn't thinking about using blue. But it's what I had.
I remembered there was a red tablecloth with blue flowers at my booth (flea market). So I picked it up. Funny, every time I try to get rid of it, I find a use for it.
My dear hubby brought me a dozen very pretty roses that I placed in a cobalt blue vase. I also had a faux mercury candlestick that I paired with a glittery glass candle holder. I had a silverplate bowl that usually holds fruit as a makeshift ice bucket. The two champagne glasses are from our anniversary spot, Big Cedar Lodge in Branson, Mo. Since I wanted some privacy, we brought in the coffee maker and cups along with hot chocolate in the silver heart-shaped basket. Chocolate-covered strawberries, dipped pretzels and our favorite cookies. We never had to leave the room. It was a very relaxing day.
I'm linking this to Tablescape Thursday. I'm very thankful to all the ladies who put such beautiful tables together. Such wonderful inspiration.