Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wedding Gifts

Don't we all have that friend that inspires us, especially when we didn't even know we needed inspiration?  Well for me that friend is Teresa. Teresa is a doer.  She always seems to be doing something- painting a room, scrapbooking, gardening,shopping, traveling, something.  (My creative moments come in spurts brain farts with lots of slack time between.)  So I wasn't at all surprised to find she's been busy making things for her oldest son's wedding. I asked for some pics that I could share here.

These adorable bags are for the
wedding party.
Teresa etched these glasses for the bride and groom and the groom's attendants.
What a wonderful frame
for the newlywed couple to display their wedding photo.
Teresa told me she used her Cricut on these items.  (I was so impressed I had to order one.)
She'll make a great Mother-in-law, I know 'cause she's been a great friend.

I"m linking this up to share with  Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

1 comment:

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

Hi! You won my Vintage Pearl Giveaway last week!! :)
I need you to send me your email address at