I've been seeing such wonderful posts on the blogs and Pinterest with Halloween decor. So I've done a little decorating of my own. With not much money and trying to do with what I have plus we really don't celebrate Halloween- I just wanted to have some fun. I try to use spiders, bats, black cats and such, rather than really creepy or gory things. I do have some ghosts that were just too darn cute, along with a corn husk witch thats also a cutie. My October decor is still a work in progress but here's what I have so far:[Image]I decided to use my old bottle collection on the dining room table. A creepy web thing from the dollar store was a perfect runner- I love the vintagy look. I added some little adhesive foam bats ($ store) that I bought last year to the chandy shades.

I simplified the mantle from last year. The printable was found on Pinterest. I didn't get the chance to paint the candelabras, couldn't decide between black and white. I also added 2 more blackbirds ($ store). The banner was a printable from last year. I'm still not happy with the mantle but it was fine for this year.

The entry table is a nod to a potions table with jars, a spider, and some vintage stuff. Next year I hope to fill the jars with all kinds of wonderful things

Here is my countertop: where all the goodies should have been- again, next year I suppose.

At the end of the counter, a place setting for two:

I kept the coffee table simple so I could keep it through Thanksgiving. I wanted some Spanish moss under the pumpkins but didn't get into town.

Front Door: Saw this on one of the blogs. I used my large quilting hoop, painted black and a crochet shawl from the thrift store and a $ store spider. This is my favorite "new" decoration.

That's my October Decor, Thanks for looking!