Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The 333 Challenge and Capsule Wardrobe

Today, I am working on my 3 month, 33 item wardrobe plan. I want to have 4 wardrobe sets of about 33 items each. I'm using the capsule system and and it is working really well. The first step is to clear out what doesn't fit and isn't working. Then choose 2-3 neutral colors to become the base of your wardrobe and 1-2 colors for accents. Capsule #1 adds 3 pcs, capsule #2 adds 3 more and so on till you have 33 pieces. The rule is that each piece you add has to go with the other pieces. With 3 basic pieces, you have 3 outfits, add 3 more pieces and you have about 15 outfits, add 3 more pieces and yu have over 35 outfits (mixed, matched and layered).
The reason for 33 pieces is that I was inspired by the 333 project, a challenge to live with 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months. I have to say this has changed the way I look at my clothes and the way I shop. The benefits: Packing for travel is so easy. My closet has so much more room. When I shop I am looking for specific items in specific colors (a lot less impulse shopping). Thanks to Pinterest and some research on my body type, I know what styles I'm looking for. I don't mind splurging for a quality piece because I know it is going to work with what I already have. My jewelry and makeup are more streamlined too, I only keep out what works with my color scheme for that 3 months. Next year will be so easy because the work of putting together the capsules will be done and all I have to do is check fit and condition and shop for a few missing pieces. Best of all shopping is so much more fun because I can give myself permission to buy what I need - no guilt.
The hardest part is dealing with the variations in temperature in my neck of the woods. March-May the average temps range from 59-76 degrees and Sep-Nov from 81-58. Just a few days left on my first 3 months so I am reviewing what I've got and making notes for next year. I'm also going to put together what I have for my spring wardrobe and make a list of my needed items.
I really want to encourage you to take the 333 challenge, especially if you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear like I did. I found Pinterest to be helpful in choosing styles and outfit sets that I like, a lot of the pins come from, so check it out. Let me know if you take the challenge or if you try the capsule wardrobe plan.